Embody the Angelic Love-Based Attributes
Angelic Conscious Embodiment sessions help people to embrace, embody and express the love-based angelic attributes. The most important ones are on video.
Angelic Conscious Embodiment
Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Abundance Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Acceptance Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Aliveness Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Allowing Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Balanced and Centered Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Beauty Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Belonging Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Capable/Competence Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Caring/Affection Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Clarity Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Confidence Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Connectedness Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Contentment and Fulfillment Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Courage Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Deserving and Worthy Each of these sessions provides angelic support to assist you in anchoring your inner divinity. The name of each divine attribute is a trigger word so that after you listen to or receive this transmission, every time you say or think the name of the attributes above you will receive angelic support to help you to anchor that attribute more deeply into your consciousness. The cost of this video recording is just $27.
Angelic Conscious Embodiment Video 2:
Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Empowerment Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Enthusiasm Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Expansion Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Faith Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Focus Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Forgiveness Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Flow Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Freedom and Independence Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Grace Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Grounded Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Harmlessness Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Harmony Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Health Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Hope Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Imagination and Curiosity Each of these sessions provides angelic support to assist you in anchoring your inner divinity. The name of each divine attribute is a trigger word so that after you listen to or receive this transmission, every time you say or think the name of the attributes above you will receive angelic support to help you to anchor that attribute more deeply into your consciousness. The cost of this video recording is just $27.
Angelic Conscious Embodiment
Video 3: Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Innocence Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Joy and Happiness Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Kindness Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Laughter Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Light-Hearted and Light-Filled Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Love and Compassion Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Neutrality Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Nurturing Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Open-Hearted and Open-Minded Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Optimism and Positivity Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Orderliness and Organization Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Patience Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Peacefulness and Calmness Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Perseverance Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Playfulness Each of these sessions provides angelic support to assist you in anchoring your inner divinity. The name of each divine attribute is a trigger word so that after you listen to or receive this transmission, every time you say or think the name of the attributes above you will receive angelic support to help you to anchor that attribute more deeply into your consciousness. The cost of this video recording is just $27.
Angelic Conscious Embodiment
Video 4:
Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Prosperous and Success Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Protection and Safety Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Receiving and Giving Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Rejuvenation Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Relaxation Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Responsibility Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Self Love and Self Respect Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Sovereignty Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Stability and Security Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Strength and Vitality Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Tolerance Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Trust Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for True and Being True to Yourself Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Wholeness Angelic Conscious Embodiment Session for Wisdom Each of these sessions provides angelic support to assist you in anchoring your inner divinity. The name of each divine attribute is a trigger word so that after you listen to or receive this transmission, every time you say or think the name of the attributes above you will receive angelic support to help you to anchor that attribute more deeply into your consciousness. The cost of this video recording is just $27.
Love and Healing Washes: These sessions are very gently infusions of love from the Angelic Healers of Love.
The first transmission is an
The second transmission is an
Angelic Love and Healing Wash for the Aura.
The third transmission is an
The fourth transmission is an
Angelic Love and Healing Wash for the Cellular Memory.
The fifth transmission is an
The sixth transmission is an
Angelic Love and Healing Wash for the DNA/RNA and Genetic Codes and Archives.
The seventh transmission is an
Angelic Love and Healing Wash for the Ego.
The eighth transmission is an
The ninth transmission is an
Angelic Love and Healing Wash for the Heart and Emotional Armoring.
The tenth transmission is an
Angelic Love and Healing Wash for the Meridians.
The eleventh transmission is an
Angelic Love and Healing Wash for Negative Beliefs.
The twelfth transmission is an
The thirteenth transmission is an
Angelic Love and Healing Wash for the Past Life Archives.
The fourteenth transmission is an
Angelic Love and Healing Wash for the Soul and Soul Matrix.
The fifteenth transmission is an Angelic Love and Healing Wash for the Over-Soul.
the Energetic Spaces:
has always been a great mystery to me that I clear so much in
myself and I have great shielding and yet it seems that there is
always more debris to clear out. I have been working intensely
with a healer who works on recalibrating people’s energy fields
so that the energetic doorways, openings, portals and gateways on
the planetary, solar, galactic and universal levels across time,
space, dimensions, angles, directions and vectors, etc. are closed
down. I have felt a huge difference from this work. The first transmission is Clearing the Energetic Spaces Around Addictions and Addictive Behaviors, Patterns and Programming. The second transmission is Clearing the Energetic Spaces for the Aura and Electro-Magnetic Energy Field.
The third transmission is
Clearing the Energetic Spaces for the Brains, Minds and Neuronets.
The fourth transmission is
Clearing the Energetic Spaces for the Cellular Memory.
The fifth transmission is
Clearing the Energetic Spaces for the Chakras, Meridians, Nadis and All
Other Energetic Systems.
The sixth transmission is
Clearing the Energetic Spaces for the DNA,RNA and Genetic Codes.
The seventh transmission is
Clearing the Energetic Spaces for the Ego and Negative Ego Programming.
The eighth transmission is
Clearing the Energetic Spaces for the Inner Child and Wounded Inner
The ninth transmission is
Clearing the Energetic Spaces for Entities.
The tenth transmission is
Clearing the Energetic Spaces for Implants.
The eleventh transmission is
Clearing the Energetic Spaces for the Emotional and Mental Bodies.
The twelfth transmission is
Clearing the Energetic Spaces for the Personality Self.
The thirteenth transmission is
Clearing the Energetic Spaces for the Over-Soul and Over-Soul Matrix.
The fourteenth transmission is
Clearing the Energetic Spaces for the Past Life Archives, Imprints,
Memories and Holograms.
The fifteenth transmission is Clearing the Energetic Spaces for the Soul and Soul Matrix.
I was on a spiritual pilgrimage in Egypt and Jordan, the Creator
began showing me and downloading me with codes of lights which
really are templates or blueprints for the new age or new world
that is emerging as Earth ascends to the fifth dimension. The
Creator asked me to create a new line of sessions to transmit
these energies to others. He showed me that it is time now to
begin to anchor these energies on the planet so that a smooth
transition can be made to the new golden age that is emerging.
The first transmission is
Abundance Codes for the
The second transmission is for the
Codes for the New World.
The third transmission is for the Ascension Codes for the New World.
The fourth transmission is for the
Codes for the New World.
The fifth transmission is for the
Sun Codes for the
The sixth transmission is for the
Codes for the New World.
The seventh transmission is for the
Father Codes for the New World.
The eighth transmission is for the
Mother Codes for the
The ninth transmission is for the
Codes for the
The tenth transmission is for the
Codes for the New World.
The eleventh transmission is for the
Codes for the New World.
The twelfth transmission is for the
Spirit Shekinah Codes for the New World.
The thirteenth transmission is for the
Codes for the New World.
The fourteenth transmission is for the
Codes for the
The fifteenth transmission is for the
Codes for the New World.
The sixteenth transmission is for the
Healing Codes for the New World.
The seventeenth transmission is for the
Codes for the New World.
The eighteenth transmission is for the
Codes for the New World.
The nineteenth transmission is for the
Codes for the New World.
The twentieth transmission is for the Solar and Galactic Codes for the New World.
Over the aeons of time on this planet, the DNA
genetic coding for human beings has become corrupted and no longer
is aligned with the divine ideal of the perfected human being.
These DNA Recalibration Sequences are a divine dispensation of
grace from many Councils of Light to assist humanity to restore
back the pristine blueprints for the DNA/RNA, chromosomes and
genetic codings that are aligned with the divine ideal.
The first transmission is a
DNA Recalibration Sequence from the Angelic Councils of Light.
The second transmission is a
DNA Recalibration Sequence from the Office of the Christ.
The third transmission is a
DNA Recalibration Sequence from the Creator.
The fourth transmission is a
DNA Recalibration Sequence from the Divine Father.
The fifth transmission is a
DNA Recalibration Sequence from the Divine Mother.
The sixth transmission is
DNA Recalibration Sequence from the Elohim Councils of Light.
The seventh transmission is
DNA Recalibration Sequence from Father/Mother GOD.
The eighth transmission is an a
Recalibration Sequence from Gaia.
The ninth transmission is a
DNA Recalibration Sequence from the Galactic Councils of Love.
The tenth transmission is a
DNA Recalibration Sequence from the Holy Spirit Shekinah.
The eleventh transmission is a
DNA Recalibration Sequence from the Multiverse Councils of Love.
The twelfth transmission a
DNA Recalibration Sequence from the Omniverse Councils of Love.
The thirteenth transmission is a
Recalibration Sequence from the Solar Councils of Love.
The fourteenth transmission is a
Recalibration Sequence from the Universal Councils of Love.
The fifteenth transmission is a DNA Recalibration Sequence from the VOID Emissaries of Love. |